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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NEW Portfolio Site Launch

After several weeks of work, it's the dawn of a new (25-hour) day.

The new portfolio site, optimized for display across mobile platforms and utilizing HTML5, is now online!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

pre-holidays update: new portfolio site; Table Flip Board Games

November blew with some fierce wind storms here in Seattle, but things have quieted down in the week or so before Thanksgiving.

Not so much for me, as I've been busily assembling a new portfolio site and keeping up the social media side of Table Flip.

My new site should be up by the first week in December and I'll make an official announcement once it goes live.
On the Table Flip side of things, we've been working behind the scenes to learn the ropes of self-publishing and we're making some pushes in that area to get Last Stand released to the public.
We're still dev-ing up a storm and will have a solid backlog of material to work from once we get Last Stand on track.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Black Hands Launches!

The day is finally here!
We're excited to announce that The Black Hands of Hathoway, Table Flip's card game of prediction and wits, is available for purchase through The Game Crafter!

As always, keep up to date with all of the latest with Table Flip on Twitter and Facebook.