The artwork for the final rev of Black Hands before publishing is pretty much complete.
A few details about box size still need to hashed out with Panda, but adjusting the art will be trivial to accommodate.
We're slowly going through the rule book, adding back material that we had to lose in order to meet the restrictions of our Game Crafters prototype. We really hated not being able to include the Popp brothers' awesome illustrations in that version. But...they'll back with this one!
While this is all coming together, I've been mocking up a GUI for the mobile version of Black Hands.
I had a few minor concerns about translating this to an app, but I think we can still maintain the unique experience of the game.
Slowly growing our social media presence.
Next will be physically getting out there and demo-ing the game once we get the first proof copies.
A lot coming together!
More info to post soon.