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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cyber Solstice :: Cyber Zone Vehicles

Another vehicle model I completed for the first level of Cyber Solstice.

More on the way soon!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cyber Solstice :: Cyber Zone Vehicles

The pace just keeps getting faster every week at EverFire Studios; we've added some great new talent to the art team and we're looking to have even more features for our debut Alpha release of Cyber Solstice in early October.

Almost hard to imagine it's just a couple of months away now!

In the meantime, here are some vehicles I created for the Cyber Zone level.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cyber Solstice, renders

Inevitably, when I have a few free moments, I also like to showcase artistic renders of some of the designs from the current project.

Here, we see a fly through of the tunnels as well as a concept of the mission-briefing center.

[WIP] Cyber Solstice, tunnel [updated]

One of the components of the level design that are critical for developing the characteristic feel of the quick, think-on-your-feet (or glider wing) visual puzzles, is the intra-level tunnel.

In story terms, they serve as access ways and maintenance tunnels, offering the chance at a quick route through the level, but fraught with their own brand of challenges and enemies.

As always, I take a modular approach to asset design, attempting to maximize the utility of implementation with the minimum number of unique assets.

The tunnels segments can added end to end to form long seamless tunnels or broken up with couplers.
4- and 6-way junctions hook in easily using the same joining components, allowing for simple routing through the level.

Cyber Solstice, completed props and vehicles

After initially developing the level design for the first phase of the mission, I've been alternating between concept-ing, whiteboxing and asset creation.

Presented below are some of the completed pieces for the Cyber Zone phase.

[UPDATE] Cyber Solstice

Made it through E3, got the word out about Cyber Solstice and EverFire Studios.
Our CEO, Emil Harmsen manned our times at the Ouya booth and distributed some of the promotional material I created.

Now, after a short summer vacation, we're back at it again, grinding away towards the next milestone in October and getting familiar with the console now that we finally have ours in hand.

I have a bit of a backlog of material to showcase, so I'll be rolling those out in the next few updates.

As always, check out the Cyber Solstice page for more info about the game and the studio.

Monday, June 03, 2013

I'm excited to announce that a demo of EverFire Studio's Cyber Solstice will be playable at the Ouya booth at this year's E3!

Come check us out and learn more about us and the exciting titles we'll be releasing in the upcoming months!

Our company's founder, Emil Harmsen, will be on hand to speak with everyone about our indie studio's development.

And if you're one of the first few, pick up one of the complimentary Cyber Solstice posters!

Friday, April 05, 2013

[UPDATE] EverFire projects

Once again, the swirl of excitement has overtaken EverFire studios.

Battle Gnomes yielded a beta test build and development has begun on not one but two new titles (Cyber Solstice and Bring out Your Dead), with another one being pitched at this moment!

So great and fun times over at EF!

Aside from my environment tasks, I've also been leading game play and level design on one of the new projects.

I'll continue to keep up with developments as they happen and hope to have some new art to showcase soon.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

UPDATE : Game Jam, BG

Well, it's been a busy week for EverFire!

Late Wednesday the Dash Blaster team submitted our entry into the Kill Screen Ouya game jam!
Check out the Facebook page to find out more about the game and our efforts over the last 10 days.

With the jam behind us, work is resuming on Battle Gnomes.

I've been filling in some of the assets for the first level as we move on to the second.

I've included some isolated renders of the new train cars and will follow up in a later posting with in-game Unity screen caps.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

UPDATE : LinkedIn profile, Battle Gnomes site, Ouya game jam

A lot of things in the mix lately!

The holidays were a bit of a chaotic time, but we were happy to have had a successful alpha demo of Battle Gnomes for an excited crowd at the end of December!
Video can be seen on the new BG site, here.

On the personal side, I've updated my LinkedIn profile, so please feel free to check that out as well.

Even with the mad crush of development for Battle Gnomes for the Ouya launch release, we're still finding time to participate in the Ouya game jame sponsored by Kill Screen.
Info about the project can be found here.